IT Consolidation: What’s Next for Government and Education Modernization Initiatives?

IT consolidation has been a high-priority initiative for many years and agencies that have already made significant IT consolidation progress are experiencing lower costs, more efficiency, greater availability, and enhanced security.

This free white paper provides an overview of IT consolidation efforts across government and, specifically, provides a range of actions government IT pros can take to enhance IT consolidation efforts through IT Operations Management (ITOM) consolidation, which is critical to realize the full value of IT consolidation.

By downloading this white paper you’ll learn:

  • The benefits of ITOM tool integration and consolidation, from a single-version-of-the-truth dashboard to improved compliance and reporting to enhanced security.
  • The five steps federal IT pros can take to integrate and consolidation ITOM tools, from defining scope through needs analysis and implementation
  • The government mandates that are serving as IT consolidation catalysts, and the agencies that are making notable strides

Download the whitepaper now to learn why ITOM tools must evolve along with the consolidation of IT infrastructure, and steps on how to make the transition and realize the many benefits.

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