Share your SolarWinds story

Write a review or rate a product

Write a review or rate a product

Describe how you use your SolarWinds products, what you love, like, and want to see improved. We’re listening!

What’s in it for you: Ability to voice your honest opinion about SolarWinds products. Plus, many review sites award gift cards for participation.

Learn More: Rate our products or write an honest review here.

Collaborate with us on a case study

Collaborate with us on a case study

Help others build a business case for SolarWinds by describing all the cool ways you are using SolarWinds and how your products have made an impact on your business.

What’s in it for you: Earn 2,000 THWACK® points for a case study and 2,000 when you are a reference. Many review sites award gift cards for participation.

Learn more: If you’d like to showcase your awesome work in a case study, or allow us to track you as a reference, contact us at